Smart News


Wrecked Rivers of T.S. Eliot’s ‘The Wasteland’ Teem With Life Once More

Easter Island Drug Makes Mice Happier, Smarter


London Had All-Electric Taxis in 1897


Chimps Celebrate the End of a Research Era


New Robot Eliminates Only Jobs Left – In the Service Sector

Carnegie Mellon University has developed a robot that can fill the gap of the absent salesperson

Every recorded earthquake of magnitude 4 of higher since 1898

100 Years of Earthquakes On One Gorgeous Map


The New York Fire Department Is Burning 20 Houses Down — On Purpose

The temple at the Met, in New York City.

Four Places to Worship Isis That Aren’t In Egypt

Bar-headed goose with a Mount Everest-simulating air mask.

Extreme Geese Reveal High-Altitude Secrets in Wind Tunnel


The Genetic Engineering Plan to Turn Trees Black and Cool the World


Virtual Pigeon Attracts, Baffles Randy Males

How Spray-On Everything Could Radically Transform Manufacturing


What If the Founding Fathers Had Known About Voltron?

Olly Moss, a UK-based graphic designer, riffs on Benjamin Franklin's 1754 political cartoon, "Join, or Die."

Hemingway’s Old Man Inspires Shark Oil for HIV Vaccine

Eddi Tornberg’s self-powering desk

Body Heat From Your Seat Can Juice Your Laptop


World’s Oldest Purse Adorned with Dog Teeth

The world's oldest purse features a decoration that doesn't look so different from modern beading. It's just way more gruesome


The Atlantic Revisits Sending Babies Through the Mail

A photograph from the early 20th century has striking similarities to the magazine's latest cover story

Mom Keeps Kid Out of Cookie Jar, Forever

Should you raise a sugar-free baby? One mother makes a case for this radical move

The solution can be carried around.

Microparticle Elixir Can Keep Patients Alive for 30 Minutes Without Breathing


A Little Perspective: Congress First Mandated Health Care in 1798

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